i'm back!
actually i came back on the 8th in the afternoon.first time i flew alone.yes alone.and best part-they gave me a hard time at the bangkok immigration.cheebyes.they kept asking me for my singapore id.like hello its at home in my bag in my entry proof!but i had my ezlink with me..dont ask why.
so finally i got home to spore.missed this island so much.
now i'm missing bangkok.i had great fun ther with aida for 8days.aida n her family are so nice.love them loads and miss them even more.surprisingly when i was in bangkok,i didnt cry.yes i know i missed my mummy hell of alot but i didnt cry-i myself was surprised.everyday was a new adventure in bangkok.te food was soo good.the shopping was fabulous but the best part was the company i was with.i miss aidas family!know what i think i shall go back soon.oh and il pack les things this time.
we went like everywhere.i took loads of pictures.that is when i actually took the camera along on our journeys.oh i miss the 7 ppl in the taxi thing and the hour long car rides.i so love the many stray dogs on the roads.i just wanted to take all of them home.i have come to a conclusion-i want a dog.no i need a dog.
i still have zariths noodles,shall drop it by her house tmr after i get up..oh and yes i did become blacker,much.haha,it's the sun-dont blame me!i want my aida noww!!!now!!now!!!
aida and family-i miss u!
ps:il upload the pictures soon..there's like 200 pictures..im just lazy,so just hold on yupp =)